Nicole King

Nicole King (born 1970) is an American biologist and faculty member at the University of California, Berkeley in molecular and cell biology and integrative biology.[1] She was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship in 2005.[2]

King studies the evolution of multicellularity, and her work on choanoflagellates has significantly advanced our understanding of how multicellular animals evolved from single-cell organisms.


Professional contributions

King has been a pioneer in identifying choanoflagellates as key organisms to answer questions about the origin of multicellularity. Prior to her work, it was unclear whether choanoflagellates or fungi were the closest outgroup to multicellular animals (also called "metazoans"). King's comparative genomics work in collaboration with Sean Carroll has also significantly advanced the understanding of the evolutionary "tree of life," and charts the evolutionary relationship of all organisms to each other. In addition, work by King and colleagues shows that choanoflagellates possess several protein-coding genes that are highly related to protein-coding genes in animals at the base of the metazoan tree, such as sponges, cnidarians, and ctenophores.

More recent work by King demonstrates that molecules thought to underpin the transition to multicellarity actually existed in the single-cell choanoflagellates long before the evolution of multicellular animals. For example, one of the most abundant and important cell adhesion molecules in the animal kingdom, cadherin, exists in choanoflagellates. In animals, cadherins are required to keep cells attached to their neighbors, so it was a surprising to discover that cadherins predate the evolution of animals. In addition, King found the choanoflagellates possess genes that animal cells use to "talk" or signal to one another, such as Receptor tyrosine kinase. These findings represent a paradigm shift in the understanding about what events led to the origin of animals.

King continues her studies on choanoflagellates and multicellularity as an assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley. King received her B.S. from Indiana University in 1992, in the lab of Thom Kaufman, working on the genetic workhorse, the fruitfly, also known as Drosophila melanogaster. She did her graduate work at Harvard (A.M., 1996, and Ph.D., 1999), studying spore formation in Bacillus subtilis. After completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 2003, she accepted the position of assistant professor of genetics and development at the University of California, Berkeley.

King's lab has developed and maintained ChoanoBase, a genetic library about choanaflagellates.

King has been recognized as a leading thinker in evolutionary biology, both by the MacArthur Foundation's "genius" award (2005) and the Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences (2004).



External links